Services What Documents Do I Require? Free
(Spelling Mistake)
  1. Correction Form
  2. Original Birth Certificate
  3. Documents to act as proof of requested change (Baptismal Card, School Certificate, ID, Passport, Sworn Affidavit)
N$ 200.00
Change of Parent(s)’s Particulars
  1. Change of Parent/’s Particulars Form
  2. Original Birth Certificate
  3. Certified copy of parent(s) ID or Birth Certificate 
  4. Affidavit stating parental consent for change (from each parent on, or to be added to, the Birth Certificate)
N$ 200.00
Change of Surname
(Applicant possesses a Namibian ID and wants to change details on his/her Birth Certificate that will also necessitate a change of details on the Namibian ID)
  1. Change of Surname Forms
  2. Police Clearance Certificate
  3. Original Birth Certificate (including dependants’ certificates, if included in application)
  4. Certified copy of ID
  5. Affidavit with Declaration Statement setting out why you are requesting a change of surname
  6. Notices in Government Gazette
  7. Advertisements in 2 newspapers, giving notice to change a surname
N$ 500.00
(Additional charges will be incurred for advertising and gazetting)
Submission for correction of Surname
(Applicant does not possess Namibian ID, or wishes to change particulars on the Birth Certificate to match their ID)
  1. Submission for Change of Surname Form
  2. Original Birth Certificate (including dependants’ certificates, if included in application)
  3. Document to act as proof of requested change
  4. Affidavit for Parent’s ID or Birth Certificate for minors (Original and certified copy) 
  5. Affidavit giving parental consent for minors if parents are applying on their behalf
  6. Fingerprints

N$ 200.00

N$ 500.00

  1. Original Birth Certificate
  2. Letter of request from requesting authority setting out particulars to be verified and reasons for verification